PolkaTrain First Community Content Contest

2 min readApr 14, 2021

Create and share your knowledge about POLKATRAIN to share $3000 in POLT and awesome community rewards.

We are proud to announce our first community content contest. You can participate by creating $POLT content, sharing it online, and submitting it for review.We accept all types of written and visual content published on any platform: articles, infographics, Instagram stories,twitter threads,memes or even YouTube and TikTok videos — anything that you’re good at!

(1)Submit your creation before April 30th 12 A.M. utc+6 (submit here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxTq4LeqYB3zFgWXzwXKABVWwmIR70rfwpNW_xOgFAeM4bkQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0)
(2)You can submit any type of content.Multiple submission is allowed,but only one reward person.
(3)We only accept submission in English Language.

Here is some ideas:
(1)What is POLKATRAIN? What is the benefits of it?
(2)What role does PolkaTrain play in PolkaDot ecosystem?
(3)How can PolkaTrain empower other DeFi projects? Does it connect DeFi and CeFi?
(4)What are the benefits of holding $POLT and the pricing?

This is just some ideas.You can submit anything whats on your mind but related to PolkaTrain.

Prize dividends:
First prize:1000$ in $POLT
Second prize:700$ in $POLT
Third Prize:500$ in $POLT

We will randomly choose 7 people who submit their own content who will get 100$ in $POLT each.
We encourage everyone to participate, thats why we have this random reward. Please participate.

All the submissions will be reviewed by the PolkaTrain team based on the accuracy of the information, research, quality of delivery, creativity,effort and love.Though winner will be selected by us,but the community also can help you win.If you get more reaction on the platform you choose,can attract our attention.Judging will be subjective but the team will attempt to identify the most designed, creative,logistic and the depth of thinking.

Other terms and condition:

By submitting your information,
You are giving full permission to the POLKATRAIN team to share them on all social media channel.

The PolkaTrain team members reserve the final right to interpret the rules of the contest and make the final decisions on all entries.




Polkatrain is Where amazing happens in blockchain world through Polkadot, investors can buy tokens of projects based on Polkadot quickly.